Sunday, July 20, 2008

Well that went well then!
I think all the scrappers are sitting quietly at home with their feet up, All except Elisa who has gone to the Rugby!! at least her team won but don't mention that to Martin, he is still recovering from lift every single box yesterday at least 4 times!!
There is a rumour going round that we will do something like this again, but maybe in June next year.
The trouble is as soon as you pick a date for an event something else comes along to clash with it...we all lead busy lives theses days so finding a date that suits everyone is always difficult.

Lynnda is hoping to do some workshops soon but still trying to sort out venues. Watch this space or better still email Lynnda at

Any teacher or craft groups who want to get involved for our next craft day, contact us at

A huge thank you to everyone who helped yesterday, lots of willing hands to make tea, lift boxes and collect money!! Thanks

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